Source code for pymcprotocol.type3e

"""This file implements mcprotocol 3E type communication.

import re
import time
import socket
import binascii
from . import mcprotocolerror
from . import mcprotocolconst as const

[docs]def isascii(text): """check text is all ascii character. Python 3.6 does not support str.isascii() """ return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in text)
[docs]def twos_comp(val, mode="short"): """compute the 2's complement of int value val """ if mode =="byte": bit = 8 elif mode =="short": bit = 16 elif mode== "long": bit = 32 else: raise ValueError("cannnot calculate 2's complement") if (val & (1 << (bit - 1))) != 0: # if sign bit is set e.g., 8bit: 128-255 val = val - (1 << bit) # compute negative value return val
[docs]def get_device_number(device): """Extract device number. Ex: "D1000" → "1000" "X0x1A" → "0x1A """ device_num ="\d.*", device) if device_num is None: raise ValueError("Invalid device number, {}".format(device)) else: device_num_str = return device_num_str
[docs]class CommTypeError(Exception): """Communication type error. Communication type must be "binary" or "ascii" """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
def __str__(self): return "communication type must be \"binary\" or \"ascii\""
[docs]class PLCTypeError(Exception): """PLC type error. PLC type must be"Q", "L", "QnA", "iQ-L", "iQ-R" """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
def __str__(self): return "plctype must be \"Q\", \"L\", \"QnA\" \"iQ-L\" or \"iQ-R\""
[docs]class Type3E: """mcprotocol 3E communication class. Attributes: plctype(str): connect PLC type. "Q", "L", "QnA", "iQ-L", "iQ-R" commtype(str): communication type. "binary" or "ascii". (Default: "binary") subheader(int): Subheader for mc protocol network(int): network No. of an access target. (0<= network <= 255) pc(int): network module station No. of an access target. (0<= pc <= 255) dest_moduleio(int): When accessing a multidrop connection station via network, specify the start input/output number of a multidrop connection source module. the CPU module of the multiple CPU system and redundant system. dest_modulesta(int): accessing a multidrop connection station via network, specify the station No. of aaccess target module timer(int): time to raise Timeout error(/250msec). default=4(1sec) If PLC elapsed this time, PLC returns Timeout answer. Note: python socket timeout is always set timer+1sec. To recieve Timeout answer. """ plctype = const.Q_SERIES commtype = const.COMMTYPE_BINARY subheader = 0x5000 network = 0 pc = 0xFF dest_moduleio = 0X3FF dest_modulesta = 0X0 timer = 4 # MC protocol timeout. 250msec * 4 = 1 sec soc_timeout = 2 # 2 sec _is_connected = False _SOCKBUFSIZE = 4096 _wordsize = 2 #how many byte is required to describe word value #binary: 2, ascii:4. _debug = False
[docs] def __init__(self, plctype ="Q"): """Constructor """ self._set_plctype(plctype)
def _set_debug(self, debug=False): """Turn on debug mode """ self._debug = debug
[docs] def connect(self, ip, port): """Connect to PLC Args: ip (str): ip address(IPV4) to connect PLC port (int): port number of connect PLC timeout (float): timeout second in communication """ self._ip = ip self._port = port self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.settimeout(self.soc_timeout) self._sock.connect((ip, port)) self._is_connected = True
[docs] def close(self): """Close connection """ self._sock.close() self._is_connected = False
def _send(self, send_data): """send mc protorocl data Args: send_data(bytes): mc protocol data """ if self._is_connected: if self._debug: print(binascii.hexlify(send_data)) self._sock.send(send_data) else: raise Exception("socket is not connected. Please use connect method") def _recv(self): """recieve mc protocol data Returns: recv_data """ recv_data = self._sock.recv(self._SOCKBUFSIZE) return recv_data def _set_plctype(self, plctype): """Check PLC type. If plctype is vaild, set self.commtype. Args: plctype(str): PLC type. "Q", "L", "QnA", "iQ-L", "iQ-R", """ if plctype == "Q": self.plctype = const.Q_SERIES elif plctype == "L": self.plctype = const.L_SERIES elif plctype == "QnA": self.plctype = const.QnA_SERIES elif plctype == "iQ-L": self.plctype = const.iQL_SERIES elif plctype == "iQ-R": self.plctype = const.iQR_SERIES else: raise PLCTypeError() def _set_commtype(self, commtype): """Check communication type. If commtype is vaild, set self.commtype. Args: commtype(str): communication type. "binary" or "ascii". (Default: "binary") """ if commtype == "binary": self.commtype = const.COMMTYPE_BINARY self._wordsize = 2 elif commtype == "ascii": self.commtype = const.COMMTYPE_ASCII self._wordsize = 4 else: raise CommTypeError() def _get_answerdata_index(self): """Get answer data index from return data byte. """ if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: return 11 else: return 22 def _get_answerstatus_index(self): """Get command status index from return data byte. """ if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: return 9 else: return 18
[docs] def setaccessopt(self, commtype=None, network=None, pc=None, dest_moduleio=None, dest_modulesta=None, timer_sec=None): """Set mc protocol access option. Args: commtype(str): communication type. "binary" or "ascii". (Default: "binary") network(int): network No. of an access target. (0<= network <= 255) pc(int): network module station No. of an access target. (0<= pc <= 255) dest_moduleio(int): When accessing a multidrop connection station via network, specify the start input/output number of a multidrop connection source module. the CPU module of the multiple CPU system and redundant system. dest_modulesta(int): accessing a multidrop connection station via network, specify the station No. of aaccess target module timer_sec(int): Time out to return Timeout Error from PLC. MC protocol time is per 250msec, but for ease, setaccessopt requires per sec. Socket time out is set timer_sec + 1 sec. """ if commtype: self._set_commtype(commtype) if network: try: network.to_bytes(1, "little") = network except: raise ValueError("network must be 0 <= network <= 255") if pc: try: pc.to_bytes(1, "little") self.pc = pc except: raise ValueError("pc must be 0 <= pc <= 255") if dest_moduleio: try: dest_moduleio.to_bytes(2, "little") self.dest_moduleio = dest_moduleio except: raise ValueError("dest_moduleio must be 0 <= dest_moduleio <= 65535") if dest_modulesta: try: dest_modulesta.to_bytes(1, "little") self.dest_modulesta = dest_modulesta except: raise ValueError("dest_modulesta must be 0 <= dest_modulesta <= 255") if timer_sec: try: timer_250msec = 4 * timer_sec timer_250msec.to_bytes(2, "little") self.timer = timer_250msec self.soc_timeout = timer_sec + 1 if self._is_connected: self._sock.settimeout(self.soc_timeout) except: raise ValueError("timer_sec must be 0 <= timer_sec <= 16383, / sec") return None
def _make_senddata(self, requestdata): """Makes send mc protorocl data. Args: requestdata(bytes): mc protocol request data. data must be converted according to self.commtype Returns: mc_data(bytes): send mc protorocl data """ mc_data = bytes() # subheader is big endian if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: mc_data += self.subheader.to_bytes(2, "big") else: mc_data += format(self.subheader, "x").ljust(4, "0").upper().encode() mc_data += self._encode_value(, "byte") mc_data += self._encode_value(self.pc, "byte") mc_data += self._encode_value(self.dest_moduleio, "short") mc_data += self._encode_value(self.dest_modulesta, "byte") #add self.timer size mc_data += self._encode_value(self._wordsize + len(requestdata), "short") mc_data += self._encode_value(self.timer, "short") mc_data += requestdata return mc_data def _make_commanddata(self, command, subcommand): """make mc protocol command and subcommand data Args: command(int): command code subcommand(int): subcommand code Returns: command_data(bytes):command data """ command_data = bytes() command_data += self._encode_value(command, "short") command_data += self._encode_value(subcommand, "short") return command_data def _make_devicedata(self, device): """make mc protocol device data. (device code and device number) Args: device(str): device. (ex: "D1000", "Y1") Returns: device_data(bytes): device data """ device_data = bytes() devicetype ="\D+", device) if devicetype is None: raise ValueError("Invalid device ") else: devicetype = if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: devicecode, devicebase = const.DeviceConstants.get_binary_devicecode(self.plctype, devicetype) devicenum = int(get_device_number(device), devicebase) if self.plctype is const.iQR_SERIES: device_data += devicenum.to_bytes(4, "little") device_data += devicecode.to_bytes(2, "little") else: device_data += devicenum.to_bytes(3, "little") device_data += devicecode.to_bytes(1, "little") else: devicecode, devicebase = const.DeviceConstants.get_ascii_devicecode(self.plctype, devicetype) devicenum = str(int(get_device_number(device), devicebase)) if self.plctype is const.iQR_SERIES: device_data += devicecode.encode() device_data += devicenum.rjust(8, "0").upper().encode() else: device_data += devicecode.encode() device_data += devicenum.rjust(6, "0").upper().encode() return device_data def _encode_value(self, value, mode="short", isSigned=False): """encode mc protocol value data to byte. Args: value(int): readsize, write value, and so on. mode(str): value type. isSigned(bool): convert as sigend value Returns: value_byte(bytes): value data """ try: if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: if mode == "byte": value_byte = value.to_bytes(1, "little", signed=isSigned) elif mode == "short": value_byte = value.to_bytes(2, "little", signed=isSigned) elif mode == "long": value_byte = value.to_bytes(4, "little", signed=isSigned) else: raise ValueError("Please input value type") else: #check value range by to_bytes #convert to unsigned value if mode == "byte": value.to_bytes(1, "little", signed=isSigned) value = value & 0xff value_byte = format(value, "x").rjust(2, "0").upper().encode() elif mode == "short": value.to_bytes(2, "little", signed=isSigned) value = value & 0xffff value_byte = format(value, "x").rjust(4, "0").upper().encode() elif mode == "long": value.to_bytes(4, "little", signed=isSigned) value = value & 0xffffffff value_byte = format(value, "x").rjust(8, "0").upper().encode() else: raise ValueError("Please input value type") except: raise ValueError("Exceeeded Device value range") return value_byte def _decode_value(self, byte, mode="short", isSigned=False): """decode byte to value Args: byte(bytes): readsize, write value, and so on. mode(str): value type. isSigned(bool): convert as sigend value Returns: value_data(int): value data """ try: if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: value =int.from_bytes(byte, "little", signed = isSigned) else: value = int(byte.decode(), 16) if isSigned: value = twos_comp(value, mode) except: raise ValueError("Could not decode byte to value") return value def _check_cmdanswer(self, recv_data): """check command answer. If answer status is not 0, raise error according to answer """ answerstatus_index = self._get_answerstatus_index() answerstatus = self._decode_value(recv_data[answerstatus_index:answerstatus_index+self._wordsize], "short") mcprotocolerror.check_mcprotocol_error(answerstatus) return None
[docs] def batchread_wordunits(self, headdevice, readsize): """batch read in word units. Args: headdevice(str): Read head device. (ex: "D1000") readsize(int): Number of read device points Returns: wordunits_values(list[int]): word units value list """ command = 0x0401 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0002 else: subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._make_devicedata(headdevice) request_data += self._encode_value(readsize) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) word_values = [] data_index = self._get_answerdata_index() for _ in range(readsize): wordvalue = self._decode_value(recv_data[data_index:data_index+self._wordsize], mode="short", isSigned=True) word_values.append(wordvalue) data_index += self._wordsize return word_values
[docs] def batchread_bitunits(self, headdevice, readsize): """batch read in bit units. Args: headdevice(str): Read head device. (ex: "X1") size(int): Number of read device points Returns: bitunits_values(list[int]): bit units value(0 or 1) list """ command = 0x0401 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0003 else: subcommand = 0x0001 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._make_devicedata(headdevice) request_data += self._encode_value(readsize) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) bit_values = [] if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: for i in range(readsize): data_index = i//2 + self._get_answerdata_index() value = int.from_bytes(recv_data[data_index:data_index+1], "little") #if i//2==0, bit value is 4th bit if(i%2==0): bitvalue = 1 if value & (1<<4) else 0 else: bitvalue = 1 if value & (1<<0) else 0 bit_values.append(bitvalue) else: data_index = self._get_answerdata_index() byte_range = 1 for i in range(readsize): bitvalue = int(recv_data[data_index:data_index+byte_range].decode()) bit_values.append(bitvalue) data_index += byte_range return bit_values
[docs] def batchwrite_wordunits(self, headdevice, values): """batch write in word units. Args: headdevice(str): Write head device. (ex: "D1000") values(list[int]): Write values. """ write_size = len(values) command = 0x1401 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0002 else: subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._make_devicedata(headdevice) request_data += self._encode_value(write_size) for value in values: request_data += self._encode_value(value, isSigned=True) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def batchwrite_bitunits(self, headdevice, values): """batch read in bit units. Args: headdevice(str): Write head device. (ex: "X10") values(list[int]): Write values. each value must be 0 or 1. 0 is OFF, 1 is ON. """ write_size = len(values) #check values for value in values: if not (value == 0 or value == 1): raise ValueError("Each value must be 0 or 1. 0 is OFF, 1 is ON.") command = 0x1401 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0003 else: subcommand = 0x0001 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._make_devicedata(headdevice) request_data += self._encode_value(write_size) if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: #evary value is 0 or 1. #Even index's value turns on or off 4th bit, odd index's value turns on or off 0th bit. #First, create send data list. Length must be ceil of len(values). bit_data = [0 for _ in range((len(values) + 1)//2)] for index, value in enumerate(values): #calc which index data should be turns on. value_index = index//2 #calc which bit should be turns on. bit_index = 4 if index%2 == 0 else 0 #turns on or off value of 4th or 0th bit, depends on value bit_value = value << bit_index #Take or of send data bit_data[value_index] |= bit_value request_data += bytes(bit_data) else: for value in values: request_data += str(value).encode() send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def randomread(self, word_devices, dword_devices): """read word units and dword units randomly. Moniter condition does not support. Args: word_devices(list[str]): Read device word units. (ex: ["D1000", "D1010"]) dword_devices(list[str]): Read device dword units. (ex: ["D1000", "D1012"]) Returns: word_values(list[int]): word units value list dword_values(list[int]): dword units value list """ command = 0x0403 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0002 else: subcommand = 0x0000 word_size = len(word_devices) dword_size = len(dword_devices) request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(word_size, mode="byte") request_data += self._encode_value(dword_size, mode="byte") for word_device in word_devices: request_data += self._make_devicedata(word_device) for dword_device in dword_devices: request_data += self._make_devicedata(dword_device) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) data_index = self._get_answerdata_index() word_values= [] dword_values= [] for word_device in word_devices: wordvalue = self._decode_value(recv_data[data_index:data_index+self._wordsize], mode="short", isSigned=True) word_values.append(wordvalue) data_index += self._wordsize for dword_device in dword_devices: dwordvalue = self._decode_value(recv_data[data_index:data_index+self._wordsize*2], mode="long", isSigned=True) dword_values.append(dwordvalue) data_index += self._wordsize*2 return word_values, dword_values
[docs] def randomwrite(self, word_devices, word_values, dword_devices, dword_values): """write word units and dword units randomly. Args: word_devices(list[str]): Write word devices. (ex: ["D1000", "D1020"]) word_values(list[int]): Values for each word devices. (ex: [100, 200]) dword_devices(list[str]): Write dword devices. (ex: ["D1000", "D1020"]) dword_values(list[int]): Values for each dword devices. (ex: [100, 200]) """ if len(word_devices) != len(word_values): raise ValueError("word_devices and word_values must be same length") if len(dword_devices) != len(dword_values): raise ValueError("dword_devices and dword_values must be same length") word_size = len(word_devices) dword_size = len(dword_devices) command = 0x1402 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0002 else: subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(word_size, mode="byte") request_data += self._encode_value(dword_size, mode="byte") for word_device, word_value in zip(word_devices, word_values): request_data += self._make_devicedata(word_device) request_data += self._encode_value(word_value, mode="short", isSigned=True) for dword_device, dword_value in zip(dword_devices, dword_values): request_data += self._make_devicedata(dword_device) request_data += self._encode_value(dword_value, mode="long", isSigned=True) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def randomwrite_bitunits(self, bit_devices, values): """write bit units randomly. Args: bit_devices(list[str]): Write bit devices. (ex: ["X10", "X20"]) values(list[int]): Write values. each value must be 0 or 1. 0 is OFF, 1 is ON. """ if len(bit_devices) != len(values): raise ValueError("bit_devices and values must be same length") write_size = len(values) #check values for value in values: if not (value == 0 or value == 1): raise ValueError("Each value must be 0 or 1. 0 is OFF, 1 is ON.") command = 0x1402 if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: subcommand = 0x0003 else: subcommand = 0x0001 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(write_size, mode="byte") for bit_device, value in zip(bit_devices, values): request_data += self._make_devicedata(bit_device) #byte value for iQ-R requires 2 byte data if self.plctype == const.iQR_SERIES: request_data += self._encode_value(value, mode="short", isSigned=True) else: request_data += self._encode_value(value, mode="byte", isSigned=True) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_run(self, clear_mode, force_exec=False): """Run PLC Args: clear_mode(int): Clear mode. 0: does not clear. 1: clear except latch device. 2: clear all. force_exec(bool): Force to execute if PLC is operated remotely by other device. """ if not (clear_mode == 0 or clear_mode == 1 or clear_mode == 2): raise ValueError("clear_device must be 0, 1 or 2. 0: does not clear. 1: clear except latch device. 2: clear all.") if not (force_exec is True or force_exec is False): raise ValueError("force_exec must be True or False") command = 0x1001 subcommand = 0x0000 if force_exec: mode = 0x0003 else: mode = 0x0001 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(mode, mode="short") request_data += self._encode_value(clear_mode, mode="byte") request_data += self._encode_value(0, mode="byte") send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_stop(self): """ Stop remotely. """ command = 0x1002 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(0x0001, mode="short") #fixed value send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_pause(self, force_exec=False): """pause PLC remotely. Args: force_exec(bool): Force to execute if PLC is operated remotely by other device. """ if not (force_exec is True or force_exec is False): raise ValueError("force_exec must be True or False") command = 0x1003 subcommand = 0x0000 if force_exec: mode = 0x0003 else: mode = 0x0001 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(mode, mode="short") send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_latchclear(self): """Clear latch remotely. PLC must be stop when use this command. """ command = 0x1005 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(0x0001, mode="short") #fixed value send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_reset(self): """Reset remotely. PLC must be stop when use this command. """ command = 0x1006 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(0x0001, mode="short") #fixed value send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data #set time out 1 seconds. Because remote reset may not return data since clone socket try: self._sock.settimeout(1) recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) except: self._is_connected = False # after wait 1 sec # try reconnect time.sleep(1) self.connect(self._ip, self._port) return None
[docs] def read_cputype(self): """Read CPU type Returns: CPU type(str): CPU type CPU code(str): CPU code (4 length number) """ command = 0x0101 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) data_index = self._get_answerdata_index() cpu_name_length = 16 if self.commtype == const.COMMTYPE_BINARY: cpu_type = recv_data[data_index:data_index+cpu_name_length].decode() cpu_type = cpu_type.replace("\x20", "") cpu_code = int.from_bytes(recv_data[data_index+cpu_name_length:], "little") cpu_code = format(cpu_code, "x").rjust(4, "0") else: cpu_type = recv_data[data_index:data_index+cpu_name_length].decode() cpu_type = cpu_type.replace("\x20", "") cpu_code = recv_data[data_index+cpu_name_length:].decode() return cpu_type, cpu_code
[docs] def remote_unlock(self, password="", request_input=False): """Unlock PLC by inputting password. Args: password(str): Remote password request_input(bool): If true, require inputting password. If false, use password. """ if request_input: password = input("Please enter password\n") if isascii(password) is False: raise ValueError("password must be only ascii code") if self.plctype is const.iQR_SERIES: if not (6 <= len(password) <= 32): raise ValueError("password length must be from 6 to 32") else: if not (4 == len(password)): raise ValueError("password length must be 4") command = 0x1630 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(len(password), mode="short") request_data += password.encode() send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def remote_lock(self, password="", request_input=False): """Lock PLC by inputting password. Args: password(str): Remote password request_input(bool): If true, require inputting password. If false, use password. """ if request_input: password = input("Please enter password\n") if isascii(password) is False: raise ValueError("password must be only ascii code") if self.plctype is const.iQR_SERIES: if not (6 <= len(password) <= 32): raise ValueError("password length must be from 6 to 32") else: if not (4 == len(password)): raise ValueError("password length must be 4") command = 0x1631 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(len(password), mode="short") request_data += password.encode() send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) return None
[docs] def echo_test(self, echo_data): """Do echo test. Send data and answer data should be same. Args: echo_data(str): send data to PLC Returns: answer_len(int): answer data length from PLC answer_data(str): answer data from PLC """ if echo_data.isalnum() is False: raise ValueError("echo_data must be only alphabet or digit code") if not ( 1 <= len(echo_data) <= 960): raise ValueError("echo_data length must be from 1 to 960") command = 0x0619 subcommand = 0x0000 request_data = bytes() request_data += self._make_commanddata(command, subcommand) request_data += self._encode_value(len(echo_data), mode="short") request_data += echo_data.encode() send_data = self._make_senddata(request_data) #send mc data self._send(send_data) #reciev mc data recv_data = self._recv() self._check_cmdanswer(recv_data) data_index = self._get_answerdata_index() answer_len = self._decode_value(recv_data[data_index:data_index+self._wordsize], mode="short") answer = recv_data[data_index+self._wordsize:].decode() return answer_len, answer